From John Ettwein (unpublished)
Bethlehem febr. 16th 1788.

Your Excellency knows, that the United Brethren as long as they are setled in this state have endeavoured to bring some of the poor blind Indians to the Knowledge of the Truth, and under manyfold sufferings from the Heathen and so call’d Christians they have continued a Mission among the Western Indians.

The Ministers of the Brethrens-Church in North-America and some other members of said Church have lately new formed a Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, and for several reasons in November last have petition’d the Legislature of this state to be incorporated, upon leave granted a Bill was brought into the House of Representatives and since published for Consideration, which I hope will find no Objection and be enacted into a Law next session.

I now take the liberty to present a printed copy of the stated Rules of said Society, with a Written abstract from the general Instructions of the Missionaries, to your Excellency. Recommending that Society and the Brethren Church to your favour and Protection, I have the honor to be with the highest respect, Your Excellencys most humble and obedient

John Ettwein
President of the Society propagating
the Gospel.
Addressed: His Excellency / Benjamin Francklin Esqr. / President of the State of / Pensilvania. / Philadelphia
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