You will see by the Inclosed to the Doctor the nature of the Request I make. I send it under cover to you because I am not sure of its being a proper one, and I therefore wish you to discover and judge of the Doctors Disposition in this Respect before you deliver it, for I would not wish him to lay under an Obligation to anybody, meerly for the sake of obliging me. You will readily conceive what pleasure it would give me to oblige my Wifes Grandfather and if you can assist in the matter I shall take it extreemly kind. You may perhaps be able to do the Business without giving the Doctor any Trouble, vous scavez bien que Les Lettres de Reccommendation se demandent sans façon, and I believe half the great People in Paris are in Debt to the Doctor on this Score, d’ailleurs, vous avez des manieres si engageantes! On ne vous refusera pas surement.
Favour me with your Answer. Serve me if you can, if you can’t let me know it. If you succeed in getting a Letter let it be just an Introduction of the old Gentleman as a Man comme il faut who lived and expected to finish his Days on a handsome Income which he is now deprived of, and therefore is obliged to go to Grenada in order to settle his affairs, in doing which having occasion of Friends to advise and assist him he desires an Introduction etc. etc. etc. with anything else the writer may please to add.
I am my dear Billy most affectionately yours
J Williams