This by Monsr. Eyries I hope will find you at Havre with the Cutter: which you are to equip with all possible expedition for a Voyage. Monsr. Eyries will supply you with the necessarys, and you will take his advice in equiping. It is proposed that she should proceed for America as soon as possible; Mr. Eyries proposes fixing eight or Ten Brass pieces of three or four pounders with other necessaries for defence against boats &c. You will be the best Judge what is suitable for her, and Mr: Eyries will be able to procure it in a manner the least liable to rumor or objections from Goverment. We shall expect from you on the Receipt of this, an account of the state of the cutter, what arming is necessary, and what goods she can carry, beside her provisions, without impeding her passage which is the first object. This we shall want to be informed of, as soon as possible immediately after which, particular Instructions with your Dispatches, shall be sent you express. You will take care that every thing be conducted with the greatest Secresy, and the choice of your Men requires your attention as several Instances of mutiny have lately happen’d. When you have consulted with Mr: Eyries and made your general arrangements, it may perhaps be as well for you to come up to Paris, leaving the Exicution in the hands of Mr: Eyries, on the whole I think this will be the most sure mode of proceeding, as you can personally explain what may not be so proper to trust to writing, and not so easyly express’d. The sooner you can come up the better, as in case of putting in any goods by way of Ballast, the particulars ought to be fixed early. I am for Dr: Franklin and Self Sir your most obedient Very Humble Servant