From William Hodgson (unpublished)
London 12 Decemr. 1782
Dear Sir

I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we arrived safe here after a quiet passage, but not Time enough I fear to undo what had been done wrong in consequence of premature advice, however still much depends upon future contigent Events, if the final arrangement takes place all may yet be well, shou’d it happen otherwise, without previous information the conclusion may be severely calamitous, your Sentiments upon the probability or otherwise of the final Issue it will lay me under very great obligations.

A few days ago I wrote to the Secretarys of State Office respecting the exchange that had been so long promised and so long delayed, I yesterday recd a Note and was desired to attend, which I did this day and was very much surprised and mortifyed to find that advice had been recd. from N York that Congress absolutely refused to comply with the agreement made here relative to the exchange of Prisoners, but as I was at same Time informed that all the papers relative thereto had been transmitted to Paris to be laid before you I need not enter further into it. I hope for the honor of Congress that the affair is not as they represent. I shall be glad how[ever] to receive your Explanation for my Government. At first they appeared very angry and said they woud not send over? the prisoners now here however they recalled their words and promised a Ship shoud be sent to L Orient very soon and desired I woud request you to have all the English Prisoners assembled at L Orient from the different places of their Confinement, in order they may all come home together. Under the Circumstances of things at present they again have requested me to write you to release from the Paroles Lt Col Tarleton and Col Simcoe and they seek to ground their claim the more to this Indulgence on Account of the Demurr that exists in America relative to the Exchange of the Prisoners who were from hence. Mr Wren has sent me a Bill for 36 Dollars or 180 Livres which a Prisoner has given him and he has advanced some money upon plans to Credit me in Account for the same if the Bill be good advising me for how much Sterling I am to Debit you in Account. I am with great and sincere Respect Your most Obliged Humble Servant

William Hodgson

His Excellency B Franklin Esquire
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