What a charming pacquet you sent us, my dear good Friend, last May; the account of yourself and your family delighted us, I hope by this time you are released from the fatiguing part of the employment you undertook and retired to a life of leisure, which, according to poor Richard, will still be spend in doing something useful. I have particularly to thank you for “The art of procuring pleasant Dreams” indeed it flatter’d me exceedingly that you shoud employ so much of your precious time in complying with my request, but where do you read that Methusalah slept in the open air? I have searched the Bible in vain to find it. You letter was sent to poor dear Georgiana imediately, and I think it very probable you may see her next Spring, she is now at Bologna where she has an opportunity copying some very fine pictures, she has sent us a beautiful drawing of her little Boy, done when he was about 3 months old.
We spent the Summer in Wales, where my Brother with his wife and five Children were our near neighbours, and came here, as usual, the end of August. The Slopers were with us about a month, but we are now reduce’d to a very small party, Some letters we have received lately, from Anna Maria, give a better account of her health than any we have had since she left England.
You have probably heard of our King’s escape from an attempt made by a Mad Woman to stab him as he was getting out of his Carriage, on which occasion all his loyal Subjects imediately sent him congratulatory addressed, I enclose that from St Asaph knowing your friendship for the Author, he found himself obliged to write, but it is in a very different stile from all the others. When you see Mr. Peters pray make our Compliments to him, he was so good as to give us some information about the price of provision &cc at Philadelphia which we though might be of use to Georgiana. My Father and Mother are both pretty well, they desire their Love and my Father bids me say he will write to you very soon; remember us to both your Grandsons. Believe me My dear Friend Affectionately yours