I made bold to write you of My Misfortune of being Stopd Here. As I menshond before they Stopd me on acount of my Vessell being Brig rigd how [however?] I have Every thing as clear as Eany Smugler Coms into this port. I mad bold to menshon you of My being from the year 1769 to [till] the ports were Shut constantly Employd in carrying Emigrants from Ireland to america of which I am Shure there is at least one thousand in the American Servis. May it pleas your Excelency to recolect in the years 1772 and 1773, when master of the Ship Jupiter belonging to Andrew Caldwell the Number of passengers I brought to Philadelphia. In Septr 1775 I had the Misfortune to be Cast away on the Coast of N Caralina in a Ship Caled the Minerva belonging to A. Caldwell. I Came from thence to Philadelphia where I had the Command of a Raw Gealy [Row Galley] and throw the Intrast of Mr Caldwell of a privateer. But not having my famely in america thy thought I Could not be well Eanouf attachd to the Caus and was Obledgd to take my passag to Ireland to my famely as I Could get no Employ. Pleas your Excelincy Mr Neisbitt is here and Can testify to the truth of what I Say. The reasan I Came in this trade was in ord to Suport a wife and poor famely I have in Londonderry in Ireland, which if I loose this vessell will turn my poor famely to penury. I hope your Exceilency will take Compasion on my [me] and Spake to the prime Minester in my favour, as I can testify by my papers and the Oaths of my Saylors that I Came here interly in the Smugling trade. And in hopes your Exelcy will forgive this freedom, and can answer from your Excelincy to me or Mr Neisbitt.
I have the Honour Subscrib my Self your Exceilencys Most Devoted Humble Servant