Immediately on the receipt of your letter of the 14th. Instant, inclosing copy of one from Mr. Barclay to you, I ordered a fresh search to be made for the Papers you require respecting the Vouchers of Mr. Ross’s Accounts deposited in my Office when in France; and after the most careful and diligent examination nothing of the kind is found in my possession.—
When I was about to leave that Kingdom, I ordered all papers relating to the public accounts, and every thing deposited with me as Consul (I having acted in that capacity before Mr. Barclay’s arrival) to be put into his hands, which was done.—
I cannot therefore but be of opinion, that tho’ he may not have taken notice of those Vouchers, nothing having required his adverting to them, yet they will be found with the other papers of his Office, when they shall arrive in America.—