Marginalia in a Pamphlet by Matthew Wheelock
MS notations in a copy in the Library of Congress of [Matthew
Wheelock], Reflections Moral and Political on Great Britain and
Her Colonies (London, 1770).
The writer lives in the country, and has not kept up with the
pamphlet controversy on the American question; he may therefore be
repeating inadvertently some ideas of others. “The good of the
whole British empire is what he aims at: the colonies of course
must come into consideration; which has obliged him to hasten his
work, that it may be printed before the parliament decides what
shall be done in regard to them.”
This is the true political Idea, that every Writer on these
Subjects should have in View. Most of them think only of the good
of a Part, Britain.
Members of the House of Commons represent the
public at large, not their particular constituencies. “We may
conceive them to be (in a certain degree) the
representatives and guardians of all British
commoners, wheresoever dispersed. It is indeed to be hoped that
... a better mode of election may be established to
make the representation more equal,” but until then
the authority of the Commons must be upheld.
In what Degree? Who are British Commoners? Are the American
Colonists such? Why don’t you set about it?
In the present disputes about liberty, it is
important to understand the meaning of the word. The benefits we
derive from society are apparent only when we lose them, but
reflection will show us “the happiness we enjoy beyond what
is attainable by solitary savages.” The savage is
exposed to continual physical dangers to himself and his family.
Society protects a man from these, and he in return owes it
obedience. He is not free to pursue his own quarrels, but must
submit them to the power that society has appointed for arbitrating
differences. That power is in part legal but in greater part moral,
for the citizens’ sense of morality is what makes the legal system
operate. Liberty itself can operate only within the limits that
morality prescribes.
The Difference is not so great as may be imagined. Happiness is
more generally and equally diffus’d among Savages than in our
civiliz’d Societies. No European who has once tasted Savage Life,
can afterwards bear to live in our Societies. The Care and Labour
of providing for artificial and fashionable Wants, the Sight of so
many Rich wallowing in superfluous Plenty, whereby so many are kept
poor distress’d by Want: The Insolence of Office, the Snares and
Plagues of Law, the Restraints of Custom, all contribute to disgust
them with what we call civil Society.
“This parliament and ministry have been
vilified by all means possible, because they have supported the
pre-eminency of Great Britain over her colonies, and
would oblige them to contribute to the public expence, which
lies at present on Great Britain. The colonists do not approve of
this, and threaten us with the loss of trade, if their
extravagant and unjust demands of exemption from
parliamentary taxations, are not complied with.” British traders
are alarmed, and the colonists fan their fears “by applying the
words of ancient laws to their own case,” to which those
laws are irrelevant.
A vague Word. Why should you oblige those that never were
unwilling? Only return to the ancient Method of Requisition, and
you would have their Contributions as usual. This Author decides
before he examines. What ancient Laws? Probably Magna Charta, the
Bill of Rights, Petition of Right, &c.
Because the present Parliament has resolved to
assert its authority over all British subjects, “they (the
colonists and traders) cannot expect to carry their
point whilst this parliament subsists; they, therefore, desire
a new one; in which they hope to get several of their friends
elected, in order to allow the colonists to do as they
This Author supposes the Colonists want a new Parliament in order
to have the Duties taken off. He is mistaken. They did petition;
they were not heard, and they will petition no more. They
have taken their Measures. Keep up your Duties, if you please; they
will not pay them, because they will not use the Commodities. And
because they think you use them ill in laying such Duties, they
will manufacture for themselves. They now find they gain and save
infinitely more by your Continuing the Duties, than they should by
your repealing them.
Merchants and manufacturers have petitioned for
the dissolution of Parliament, and to obtain the support of the
landed interest have pretended that the ground of their petitions
was the expulsion of Wilkes. In fact they are trying to secure the
election of a new Parliament that will repeal the duties so
obnoxious to the Americans. The latter rest their case on what they
call the spirit of the constitution. They acknowledge the King
personally, but not “as the executive power of Great
Britain. They allow, that Great Britain has been so generous
as to spend an infinite quantity of blood and
treasure, to procure them secure settlements in America, and to
supply them with great numbers of its useful and industrious
families [interlined by Franklin: and all your Rogues]; in
return for which, the colonists have taken such manufactures from
Great Britain, as they wanted....” Now they will take no more
unless Britain allows them independence of Parliament in one
essential point, taxation.
He is the executive Power of Great Britain in Great
Britain. In the Colonies he is the Executive Power of the Colonies;
i.e. in each respectively. This is a most iniquitous Account
trump’d up against the Colonies. It might with more Propriety be
brought against the Clothiers of Yorkshire and the West, or the
Smiths and Cutlers of Sheffield, or the Button-makers of
Birming-ham. Was it not to secure and extend their Trade and the
Vent for their Manufactures, that you fought in America; and did
not the Colonies raise and maintain Man for Man with you to fight
these Battles? They bring no Account against you for the Blood and
Treasure they have spent in your Wars: Then be silent on this Head
if you are wise; for whenever the Account comes to be settled you
will be found in Debt, the Ballance will be against you.
But the colonists, like the King’s subjects in
Great Britain, hold their lands from the crown. “Whatever
British subject holds lands of the King, then holds them for
the benefit of the British public in the first place; in the
second place, he holds them according to the political situation of
the country in which the said lands lie. The Irish are British
subjects;” they have settled revenues on the crown, and no more
is required except in emergencies. “But the British legislature
extends itself to Ireland, when it sees cause.” The Irish have the
same liberties as the British, but their land and trade depend “on
the superior power.
Who is a British Subject? Is every Subject of the King such? Then
Hanoverians are British Subjects. This may be the Case in
Britain. It is not in Ireland. The Irish are Irish Subjects.
That is, it usurps wherever it can. The Superior Power in
Ireland is the King and their Parliament.
“The chief view of Great Britain in establishing
colonies in North America was, to promote trade with the Indians;
and to furnish us with several articles of commerce which America
produces. The extension of dominion...was not the national
Great Britain as a Nation had no such Views. The Parliament was not
at any Expence gave no Directions were not so much as consulted
about the Settlement of Colonies before Geo. II’s time.
The colonists claim that dependence is slavery,
but if that is true there can scarcely be any liberty; for all are
dependent on authority. “In the British empire some power
must lead, and the rest of the nation follow. If the law of nations
allows men to treat a conquered country as they please,...the
right of original property, the creation of a colony,
and the supplying it with people, must give a much
better title to jurisdiction and superiority. The independency
affected by the Americans, is what our old laws would give a very
bad name to; the parliament will tell us what to call it now.”
British Empire, a vague Expression. All these Writers
(almost all) confound themselves and Readers with the Idea that the
British Empire is but One State; not
considering or knowing that it consists of many States under one
Sovereign. As of Great Britain (formerly two, E[nglan]d and
Scotland, Ireland, Guernsey and Jersey) every Colony, Hanover,
Zell, &c. This is the case in every single State. The British
Nation had no original Property in the Country of America. It was
purchas’d by the first Colonists of the Natives, the only Owners.
The Colonies not created by Britain, but by the Colonists
themselves. The People that went cost the Nation nothing to send
them there; they went at their own Expence Nova S[cotia] and
Georgia excepted and to these were sent wrong People who dy’d or
went away. Why then have you accepted their General Grants
American arguments rest on the false premise
that their assemblies alone have the right to grant or refuse
supplies for the service of the state. To grant money for the
public service of the colony, “seems the extent of the
assemblies authority.” Parliament has the right to grant money for
the empire at large. It is implausible that widely separated
assemblies “should ever agree in one measure of
government, and if they were not unanimous, what must be done with
those who dissented?—such a society could hardly subsist a
They have agreed heretofore, why not again? How many Wars have they
join’d in with Britain? Did ever any of them refuse? Suppose there
were Truth in this, which there is not, Would you argue a Right to
enslave us, from an Inconvenience to yourselves if you had not such
Right? The same Argument was just as good for the Parliament of
England taxing and making Laws for Scotland before the Union.
If reason then requires that one power should
preside and the rest obey, it follows that the Americans, like the
Irish, should not be represented in Parliament. “All
dependencies have some peculiar interests of their own,”
which Parliament should reconcile for the good of the whole. The
interest of one dependency often conflicts with that of another;
“if they had each votes in Parliament, they would be both
parties and judges; which is against reason and
Dependencies. By this Word you assume what is not granted;
and all that follows is therefore unfounded. How came you then to
admit Wales, the Principality of Chester, Bishoprick of Durham,
Scotland, &c.?
The colonists fear oppression by Parliament.
But they cannot have “better security in the nature of
things, than that a parliament, which should unjustly attack your
liberty, would give immediate apprehensions to your fellow subjects
at home. Besides, the amount of the taxes may be fixed in
proportion to what is paid at home, and the manner of raising it be
left to the colonists under certain restrictions; but it is not the
mode of taxation that the colonists complain of, it is the right
itself they contest.
A very poor Security indeed. What would these Apprehensions
signify? Many here have long had them already: but is our Case
thereby mended? If we should complain of unequal Taxation,
we should be told that People in England are unequally taxed,
Scotland does not pay its Share, &c., just as when we complain
of not being represented we are told that many People in England
are not represented. Thus you argue from a Wrong to an Injury. But
how can we trust you, we who live at such a Distance from you; when
you are not just to one another?
“According to their notions, Great Britain may
provide and protect establishments of her subjects in foreign
parts, for the advantage of the said subjects personally, but
cannot make any foreign settlement for her own advantage, nor
extend her jurisdiction beyond the island of Great Britain.
She may if she thinks fit. But she is not to apply to her own
Advantage unjustly foreign Settlements made by others.
“Our old original laws, indeed, were calculated
for England ...; as our dominions encreased, our law was extended
in like manner into Ireland and Wales. When we had establishments
in more southern latitudes, the same law continued, and
still continues in force, with such additions and variations,
as...required, for the publick good. These alterations...were
intended for the benefit of the colonists, on the supposition, that
they were true and loyal subjects of Great
Adopted by them. No Power to make Laws for Wales till it was
represented. A great Mistake; no British Law in force in the
Colonies but what they voluntarily adopt. Witness the Law of
Tythes, Game Laws, Marriage Acts, &c. The People of Great
Britain are themselves Subjects to the King. The Subjects of one
Part of the King’s Dominions are not Sovereigns over the King’s
Subjects in another Part of his Dominions. G. B[ritai]n has no
“They are now on as secure a footing, as the
subjects who dwell in England: what injustice is there then in
subjecting them now to proportionate taxes, with the rest of their
fellow subjects? The injustice, indeed, would be to all the British
subjects at home, if the Americans were suffered to remain
untaxed,” because those at home would have to make up the
You forget the Separate Taxes they pay at home. This was never the
Proportionate taxes would take into account the
differences in the produce of the various colonies, the expense of
production, and the price of the necessities of life. In general
the products of the northern colonies are less precarious and
costly than those of the southern. The way of life also varies. In
the north, where large families are common, “few can afford
to give their children a liberal education; after a short
schooling, they put them either into a mercantile way, or upon a
piece of land (mostly uncultivated). As they have little
distinction among them, except what arises from wealth,
learning and politeness of manners must not be
expected: they are very quick in discerning what regards their own
particular interest,...and generally suspect that their
governors, and people in power, enrich themselves clandestinely
out of the publick money: in their elections of assembly-men, it is
not the sensible and honest man, who succeeds by telling
them candidly the truth, is the violent, noisy
candidate, who flatters their prejudices, and abuses the
governor, that carries the day....The character of a gentleman
is rare to be met with in these provinces....A real
gentleman (in which title that of a good British citizen is
included) must either hold his tongue, or speak his sentiments at
the risk of being insulted.”
The Ignorance of the Parliament in these and many other Points
shows how improperly they would undertake to tax us. How ignorant
this Writer is! There are no less than eight Universities in the
Northern Colonies viz. Cambridge in New England, Rhodeisland Do.
Newhaven Do. New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Williamsburg in
Virginia, and Georgia. As learned and polite, and more so, than any
part of Britain, for their Numbers. Never without Cause. Another
Instance of his Ignorance. To stand Candidate for being an
Assembly-man is not the Practice in NewEngland. No Gentleman that
knew the Country would say this. A British Citizen in his
Idea is a Colonist that thinks the Parliament has a Right to tax
him. There is no such Man.
In Maryland and Virginia the planters give
their children a better education, and the gentry have more
influence. But their power over slaves makes them haughty, and they
sometimes forget that they are British subjects. Their sense
of security, no doubt, makes the Virginians talk of Britain as a
sister state.
No Meaning. Or none to his Purpose. Query. When and where? The
Common Expression is the Mother Country. When did Gr.
Britain ever afford any Assistance to Carolina? Never were any
English Troops there before the last War.
The Carolinas and Georgia, threatened by their
slaves, the Indians, and the Spanish, are less secure and depend
more on “the assistance of Great Britain and the
neighbouring colonies.”
When did Gr. Britain ever afford any Assistance to Carolina? Never
were any English Troops there before the last War.
The colonists in the Sugar Islands are
wealthier and better-mannered. Their control of their slaves, and
of “the revenues arising from the duty on sugar,”
make them self-important. Yet they realize their dependence on
Great Britain for protection against their own slaves, who are kept
in subservience only by “the terror of the European
strength, which keeps the slaves from rising; we see them
now and then attempt it, even though they know there is such
assistance in reserve; what would they not do, if the
colonists...had no other defense than their own persons?”
Would you tax these People beyond those Duties? The poor Creatures
know no more of the Existence of such Strength than of a Strength
in the Moon.
The colonists are divided in their attitudes
toward Britain. Some live only to make their fortunes and retire to
the British Isles, which they regard as home; this is true in
general in the West Indies, Georgia, and the
Carolinas. The colonists from Virginia northward, on the
other hand, live more affluently than they could in Britain, do not
now fear the French or the Indians, “and consider their plantations
as their home, and the people of Great Britain as a check upon
them, who limit their trade in favour of the good of the whole, of
which the common people have little conception.”
Quite ignorant of these Countries. Never were apprehensive of the
Indians, nor much of the French. Are as much expos’d to Danger from
the Indians now as ever. Neither the Common People nor any others
can have much conception that those Limitations are for the
good of the whole, which they see evidently calculated for the
Benefit of Great Britain only, and to the Damage of the
All the colonists, because they depend on their
exports, are associated with merchants in Britain, who fear to be
put out of business if the tumults in America ruin trade. “But
should the parliament give way to the pretensions of the
Americans,...the strength and dignity of Great Britain,
her trade and colonies, would all go to ruin; for, First, the
national credit would be immediately affected, as then Great
Britain alone would become responsible for the national
debt. Our estimation among all the European powers would sink
of course; the colonists (who have all the necessaries for
shipping) would presently interfere with our trade; for if they
are independant in one point, why not in another? The
revenue of the customs at home would lessen, which
deficiency must be made up by taxes; this would raise the
price of our manufactures too high for the markets; the
manufacturers being unemployed would run to America, and the
revenue of excise diminish of course....
Take care then how you use us; if your Strength depends on your
Union with us. Is it not already so? Would it be responsible for
more? Does it desire to be responsible for the Irish and Colony
Debts also? They are dependent only on the King. They will lessen
if you use the Colonies unjustly. Ignorant of the Effect of Taxes.
They will not make Manufactures too high for foreign Markets.
“The colonists themselves would not long
enjoy their independence.” They could not form a single
state on the British model, because representatives from such a
large territory could scarcely attend a central legislature. Could
they have a federal union like the Dutch or Swiss? Scarcely,
because the constituent parts differ so much in their
“productions and interests.” Those parts would soon be at
loggerheads, and the weaker ones, lacking the effrontery to apply
for help to Great Britain, “would naturally call in the
French or Spaniards to their assistance.”
You need not be concern’d for them. You are too good. Very easily.
Tis but a Weeks Voyage from the Extremities to the central
Colonies. Strange, that differing in Productions, should be
a Reason of their not being capable of Agreeing in Government.
Silly enough!
Most Americans are doubtless not thinking of
independence, but events are moving in that direction. A colonial
assembly, without the consent of the governor, communicates its
resolutions to other assemblies, which looks like confederacy. If
Parliament passes legislation that the Americans disapprove of,
“the importation of British manufactures is prohibited: I
will not suppose by connivance of the assembly, but have the
assemblies discountenanced these proceedings? Have they done any
thing to suppress them? What do the Americans contend for? Only the
enjoyment of all advantages of British subjects, for which they
will contribute to the public treasury what they please, and Great
Britain to pay the rest. Suppose this is not granted, what will the
assemblies do next?
What has his Consent to do with their Resolutions? They know he
dare not assent to them whatever his Judgment may be. This which he
calls a Prohibition, is no more than a Resolution of any Colonist
to buy no more British Superfluities till his Grievances are
redress’d, and he is allow’d the Enjoyment of his Liberties. He
then persuades others to take the same Resolution. That’s all. No!
Why should they? Do not British Subjects in Britain contribute what
they please? If the Americans have, as they ought to have, all
Advantages of British Subjects, why not this among the rest?
“The only reasonable hope the North Americans
can have of preserving the British constitution with peace and
safety, is their dependance on Great Britain, which
is the natural umpire when any differences arise between the
colonies: take away that resort, and every colony must decide
its disputes by the sword. Their division into provinces
at present makes every colony a little state of itself,”
which the gov-ernor and assembly can care for better than any
central executive and legislature could.
There is no such Dependance. There is only a
Connection, of which the King is the common Link. Why not by
Mediation, by Arbitration, or by considerate and prudent Agreement?
Suppose England and Scotland differ, are they in a better Case?
There you hit it. And they will always (probably) continue so.
The only danger that threatens the colonies is
from Europe, and “whilst they depend on Great
Britain” they are sure to be alerted to such danger and
protected against it by men-of-war. “A time in all likelihood will
come, when the colonies in North America shall exceed Great
Britain in strength, and consequently have the less occasion
for her: it is also likely that in time America will make
her own manufactures, and consequently our intercourse will
lessen, and perhaps a separation take place by consent, when the
national debt is discharged, and when the European and American
Britons can be no longer of service to each other, but as friends
and allies.”
While connected with Britain they are sure of being engag’d in all
her Quarrels and Wars. Then don’t make Enemies of them if you are
wise. You are hastning that time by your Folly. This Writer seems
to imagine the Colonies concern’d in the National Debt. A Notion
quite new!
Agriculture is at present more advantageous for
the Americans than manufactures. “But when America is fully
peopled, the price of land will encrease: the farther the
colonists extend themselves from the sea and great
rivers, the dearer our manufactures must come to them, on
account of land-carriage: they will then run into
manufactures.” There is indeed some manufacturing in Philadelphia,
but as soon as the poor workers accumulate enough money to buy land
“they will probably do as others have done before them.”
The farther they extend themselves the less likely to be too
populous so as to engage in Manufactures. But no Distance they can
go from the Sea will add much by Carriage to the Price of British
Goods. The Country is full of Rivers and Lakes: which this Writer
seems not to know. And then may not other poor People do as they
have done?
The Americans’ boasts of unanimity and strength to resist
are mere bugbears to frighten us. In slave-holding colonies the
whites dare not leave their localities, in the others the mob would
be no match for British troops, and everywhere the seacoast is open
to attack. The colonists’ only hope is to foment discord here, by
specious constitutional arguments.
The Meaning of all this is, The Americans are unable to resist,
therefore you may treat them as you please.
A British subject going to America has all the
rights that he had at home, and the mother country renders his
possessions in America “doubly valuable in point of
security.” This in-creased security does not free him “from the
obedience which he owed to Britain originally, and which was
the cause and condition of his possessing any lands at
all in America. To bring the spirit of the constitution against
the general established law, is oversetting all order and
government.” That spirit prescribes that all subjects shall be
free, whereas the law deprives specific people of their freedom at
specific times for the sake of the public good. “To expect
perfection in human institutions is absurd: the highest point that
we know in legislation is salus populi supprema lex esto.”
The colonial charters were acts of the crown, fixing its claims to
the soil, “but could not exempt the colonists from the
obedience they owed to the British legislature: if they
have retained and claimed the right of British subjects from their
first settlement to this time, it is plain they did not look upon
themselves as aliens. In all distresses they have applied
to Great Britain as citizens, and have been protected as
such....” Would they have settled in America if their citizenship
had not been their protection? Would a settlement, once made, have
endured for any length of time on any basis except that it belonged
to England? The colonists’ purpose in emigrating was to mend their
fortunes, “except perhaps a very few Enthusiasts about
Boston.” England’s purpose was to encourage the colonies for
the good of the whole; no one at that time doubted their
allegiance. They were empowered to provide for their own judiciary,
defense, and legislation, “subject however to the controul of
England.” They were exposed to the French and Indians, and
their economy was precarious; it would have been unfair for
England, with little or no public debt, to have taxed them at that
time. But the last war freed the northern colonies from the danger
of the French. “Their estates are doubled and tripled in
value and security: the reasons of exempting them from taxes, no
longer exist: the expence of the wars which produced
these happy events to the Americans, is charged to the
publick. There can be no doubt then in equity, that they should
now bear a proportionate part in the payment of the debt, since
they have more than a proportionate part of the benefit.”
How does this appear? Britain is not his Sovereign, but the King,
who remains the same in America. No such Cause and Condition. Does
this justify any and every Imperfection that can be invented and
added to our Constitution? Why did you yourselves not leave our
Constitutions as you found them? Why did you aim at making them
according to your Ideas, more perfect, by taking away our Rights in
order to subject us to Parliamentary Taxation? The Salus Populi of
America as important to the People there as that of Britain here.
The Inhabitants of that Soil owed no Obedience to the British
Legislature. Its Jurisdiction did not extend out of the Realm. The
Crown stipulated that they should not be Aliens. False in Fact.
They would never have gone if it had been understood that they were
still to remain under the power of the oppressive Laws from which
they fled. Very easily. They were too poor to make it worth any
Nations Trouble to invade them. This very few was the whole
Colony. Their Allegiance is still untainted. They owe it to the
King, not to the Parliament. Of the King in England if you please.
All this time, when England being out of Debt could so well have
afforded it, Did She ever send any Troops to defend them, or give a
Shilling for that Purpose? NOT ONE. They are
diminished ONE HALF, by the increas’d Plenty of Land at Market,
thro’ the Conquests. Did not America pay half of this, and more?
They kept up an equal Number of Troops. They suffer’d immensely by
the Embargoes.
Some colonists carry their case further, not
only claiming independence of Parliament, but “paying little
regard to the crown” when its orders are not to their liking.
“If this behaviour arises in consequence of their charters, it
seems high time to annul or amend them.”
A false Charge. Meddle with them at your Peril. No Alteration can
be made in them but by Consent of both Parties, the King and the
Colonists. By violating them you break the Link that holds those
two parts together.
“There cannot be two equal legislatures in any
state.” One must be supreme, the others subordinate. The
charters of British cities give the corporations autonomy within
their areas, but no right to contest the authority of
But there may be in different States. The Corporations of
Britain are within the Realm, therefore within the Jurisdiction of
Parliament. The Colonies are without the Realm. Therefore not.
“It is the essential quality of a province to
depend on that state which formed
and sup-ported it.” The colonists like to fancy that they have the
same relationship to the mother country that the Flemish provinces
had to Spain, whereas in fact those provinces “depended no more on
Spain, than Hanover does on Britain”; the inhabitants were
not Spanish subjects. For a province composed of subjects of the
state to pretend to equality is “a sort of civil mutiny,” and
suggests that the colonists may intend “to withdraw their
The British State had no Share in forming and supporting the
Colonies, except Georgia and Nova Scotia. And New England had a
great share in the latter. The Colonies depend no more on Britain
than Hanover does. It is great Impudence or Folly in a Man to
suppose, that because he is an Englishman every American Owes him
Allegiance. If every Englishman is not a Sovereign over every
American, neither can he communicate such Sovereignty to another,
by chusing him Parliament Man.
“It seems in the present situation of affairs,
that either the rights and dignity of Great Britain...must
be submitted to the apparent (but not real) interest of the
colonies; or the colonies must acknowledge the
legislative supremacy of Great Britain, and contribute
their proportion to the good of the whole; or a rupture must
Never. Their Proportion they always have contributed and more—In
the Price of Goods. In the Restraints. In making War for Britain.
Exempting Americans from taxation would create
an inextricable dilemma. The prospect of “an exemption from
parliamentary taxes” would lead the young to emigrate from
Britain, and what would Parliament do then? “To let our people go,
depopulates the country; to keep them here by compulsion, would
diminish the liberty of the subject.
This Wiseacre seems not to know that there are any other Taxes in
the World than those impos’d by the King Lords and Commons of G.B.
It is very true. To keep People in England by Compulsion, is to
make England a Prison, and every Englishman. The Right of Migration
is common to all Men, a natural Right. The Colonists us’d that
Right, and seated themselves out of the Jurisdiction of Parliament,
to avoid being subject to Bishops Courts, Tythes, Church Laws, and
other Parts and Statutes of British Law that oppress’d them. Would
you now, contrary to the Faith of Charters, bring all those Laws
over them again?
“Supposing the Americans acknowledge their
dependance, and pay their proportion, yet...they encrease fast,
and we have certainly no subjects to spare.” England has fewer
inhabitants than it had thirty-five years ago; it is of first
importance to make the populace contented enough to stay in this
No. They never refus’d to contribute their Proportion voluntarily.
Make your own People as easy as you please, but don’t make ours
[The remainder of the pamphlet, which deals with ways and means
of improving the lot of the British at home, has no marginal
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