Being Proprietor of a Large Tannery of very good repute, erected there some Twenty Years ago by an English House, where by English Curriers or Workman, Irish Hides and Skins are tanned in the very same manner and to the same solidity as in England and being informed that the Respective Congress or Government of the United American Provinces will for the present and succeeding year want a Quantity of Shoes for their Army; So I hope Your Worship does not take it amiss, that I make free to introduce me, with humble request to know your Worships pleasure about the offer I am making to be of Service to the Respective Government foresaid, in order to provide for a parcell of Shoes to the Quantity of Two Thousand pair a Month, to be deliver’d at Maslenland (Here commonly called M d [Heligoland?] to the American Agent Mr. Greig, or whom Your Worship shall command.
In Case Your Worship does please to approve of this my proposal, I dare assure of being both able and willing to give full satisfaction, in order to Merite Your Worships Confidence, which I shall be very glad of to preserve both for the present and future. Accordingly I assure to take due Care, both in regard to the Strength and Solidity of the Leather and to the work of the Tradesmen, so that the quantity required upon all events will stand proof and be of equal substance and solidity, with the shooing deliverrd to his Majestys Army.
The price I will leave upon same term or Condition as what is paid by Our Government, being Six shillings Sterling a pair, payable at deliverry (after the quality is approved off in redy Money or according to Exchange, which rules comonly from 4 to 4 5. 6Shil Specie £ Sterling. Sadles and other requisities of Leather may also be had from our quarters.
Messrs. Thourton & Baur who deliverr the present to your Worship, will give full and large information about the Solidity of my house and the upright Sentiment wherewith I have the Honnour to subscribe me most respectfully. Right Honourable Sir Yours Worship’s Most obedient and most Humble Servant