After the most Mature Deliberation on the Two plans proposed for my Going to America, Either the Carrying my small Capitale out in Cash from London or in Goods from Nantes, I have Resolved to take the first. The Danger of being taken and the utter Ruin to all my Plans that an Event of this kind would be Attended with induced me to fix on this Resolution and I was further Confirm’d in it, By an Offer made me by a Freind a Captain in the Navy at London? who has Offered to Carry over there, Free of any Expances; From thence I shall make the Best of my way to some port of Pensilvania.
I would Gladly hope you Sir will see this in the same Light, and from your Goodness I have no reason to Doubt but you will still favour me with the Racommandation you was so kind as Promise me, A Racommandation that than be of the utmost Utility to a perfect Stranger in that part of the World who has no other Dependance, and will make me Esteem my Journey to Paris to Obtain it. the Luckiest Circumstance in my Life. I have only to Beg as my Freinds Ship Sails in Ten days or a fortnight, That you will be so Good as favour me with it, with your first Leissure addressed at No. 10 Bassing Lane, London.
I am Sir with the Greatest Respect Your most Obt and very hbl Servant