To the Honourable John Penn Esqr. Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware.
The Address of the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia. May it please your Honour!
We the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia beg leave to present our cordial Congratulations to your Honour on your Appointment to this Government, and on your safe Arrival here.
It gives us particular Pleasure to see amongst us, in the Station of Governor, a Descendant of that Family which has always favoured our Institution and promoted it by their frequent and generous Benefactions.
The Encouragements it met with in it’s Infancy have had good Effects. Many other Libraries, after our Example and on our Plan, have been erected in this and the neighbouring Provinces; whereby usefull Knowledge has been more generally diffused in these remote Corners of the World.
We therefore, flatter ourselves that it will continue to enjoy the Favour of our Honourable Proprietaries, and meet with your Honour’s Countenance and Protection during your Administration; in which we sincerely wish you all Happiness. Signed by Order of the Board