Fort Allen, Jan. 28. 1756
I have the Pleasure to inform you that the 6
Waggons are just arriv’d, and I suppose all right, tho’ I have not
yet had time to examine the Contents. Here are 10 Lehi People
buzzing me in both Ears while I write, so can only add my Thanks
for your Care and Readiness to serve the Province, and am, Dear
Sir, Your most obedient Servant
Our Compliments to Mr. Spangenberg and to Mrs. Horsefield and all
Friends. Thanks for the Beer, &c. &c.
Timo. Horsefield Esqr.
Two Rifles were sent up per the Commissioners for my Son and me.
Pray let me know in your next, if they came to your Hands?
There are likewise two Guns an old one by Erwin and another sent by
Mr. Hughs for me. I request the Favour of you to take Care of them.
I am Sir with Respects to Mrs. Horsfield Yours