I am extremely sensible of the Honor done me by my Fellow-Citizens, in chusing me their Representative in Assembly, and of that lately conferred on me by the House, in appointing me one of the Committee of Safety for this Province, and a Delegate to the Congress. It would be a Happiness to me if I could serve the Public duly in all those Stations; but aged as I now am, I feel myself unequal to so much Business, and on that Account think it my Duty to decline a Part of it. I hope therefore that the House will be so good as to accept my Excuse for not attending as a Member of the present Assembly, and, if they think fit, give Orders for the Election of another in my Place, that the City may be more completely represented.
I request also that the House would be pleased to dispense with my further Attendance as one of the Committee of Safety. With the greatest and most sincere Respect to yourself and the House, I have the Honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant,