I have the pleasure to reply to a letter received last week from your Grandfather when laying at Anchor off Groix, And the Weather proving Since exceedingly Stormy—The Duke of Linster, & Brigg Luke, were both under the necessity to slip Cables & get in to Port Lewis for Shelter, where they arrived Yesterday, & are in Safety—The Ariel being better provided will ground Tackle, Remove off Groix still, but unless the Wind Shift, impossible to go to Sea—No Boat coud get off this three days Past, & I see every little appearance at present of a change favourable for our departure.
This evening a Brigg is Just arrived from Philada—Brings letters as late as the 29 August.—but very litle news.—I have had no letters, nor have I since before the departure of the port to get a Sight of some papers come to Town, not to collect any particulars Only. It may be agreeable to inform You of the Safe Arrival of the Alliance at Boston.
Captain’s Bell, & Montgomery at Philada who Sailed with her, Her Master of the Brigg arrived here, being Advice, that Lawndie was put under Arrest, the Frigate Alliance was to be given Capt: Barry—or the next oldest Sea officers out of Employ—
The Letter’s from hence by Bell, did not get to Tours, when Capt: Campbell Sailed. Consequentially, I am of Opinion, they coud have had all the Intelligence of Lawndies Conduct at Philada. when this Brigg Sailed.
There is one or two more Vessels woud Sail Soon after.—The Fleet of France Lay at Rhod Island—And the greatest part of the English fleet, was Cruising off between N Yk & Rh: Island—
I coud not get any other particulars worth Communicating—time oblige me to cut short, & to conclude with assurance of being Yours Sincerely