your kind Letter of Octr. 19 Informs me your Health is not wors and I am Dubly Pleasd with hearing by cousen John williams that you are as chearfull and as merry and seem as well as Ever at times and that you say yr Pains in Comon are not so Exquesat as Formerly, your fierm Rialience on Gods Goodness must keep you chearfull and Enable you [to] Bare much, I felt happy to hear you had not been Exercised with the Universal Sickness and hopes your not going abroad might secure you from it. It would be Dubly greveous to you as Coughing Shocks Every Part of the boddy. I have had it Prety severly and am not quite got over it. I think cousen Jonathan Tould me before he went away He had wrote you all about the Litle Books that Parcel call’d Himns were Returnd to me and shall wait your Directions, and I have a Near Neibour Capt. Obediah Ritch who makes very Raped Trips to yr Place I think he has made four in the cours of this sumer and fall he will be a handy Person to send them by if you chuse to have them sent some other time as he is now going in a few Dayes, I have a strong Inclination to send you a sermon on sacred musick tho my Friend Dr. Lathrop and his wife tell me the Dr has been ryt? to Read composition on the subject so much beter it may not apear to him as I Expect, it Pleasd me and I know you will give it a Reading and tell me if it is not a Pritty Discorse from a country minister who has Every circumstance to Depres him. I am Desiered by an Acquantance to beg the favour of yr opinyon of what this bit of Paper contains my Niece Mrs Williams is very sick but I am tould is Rather beter yesterday. Since I wrot this far Capt. Ritch has calld and tould me he has a Barrill Flower on Board for me thank you Dear Brother you are allways mindfull of all Posable wants I may have and suply them before I can feel them.
Our good Old friend mrs Greene has been to see me to our Grat mortification she has some how mislade your Leter she thought she Brought it but finds her self mistaken.
This Goes by Major Shaw marchant of the New Ships going to the East Indies. He is a Border of Cousen Williams. Remember my Love to Children and grandchildren in which my Famely Joyns as in all dutyfull Respect from yr Affectionat Sister