Albany Congress Committee: Short Hints towards a Scheme for a
General Union of the British Colonies on the Continent
Short hints towards a Scheme for a General Union of the Brittish
Colonies on the Continent.
In Such a Scheme the Just Prerogative of the
Crown must be preserved or it will not be Approved and Confirmed in
England. The Just liberties of the People must be Secured or the
Several Colonies will Disapprove of it and Oppose it. Yet Some
Prerogative may be abated to Extend Dominion and Increase Subjects
and Some Liberty to Obtain Safety.
The Power of all the Colonies should be Ready
to Defend any one of them with the Greatest Possible Dispatch.
Therefore Particuler Considerations in the
Several Assemblies of the Expediency of any General Measure must be
avoided as attended with much delay many difficulties and Great
Suppose then that One General Government be
formd Including all the Brittish Dominions on the Continent Within
and Under which Government the Several Colonies may Each Enjoy its
own Constitution Laws Liberties and Priviledges as so many Seperate
Corporations in one Common Wealth. To this End Suppose there be a
Grand Council to Consist of two members at least Chosen by the
Representatives of each Colony in Assembly. The larger Colonies to
Choose more in Some Proportion to the Sums they Yearly Contribute
to the General Treasury. The Elections may be every three years and
the members of each Colony to Continue till a new Choice.
Assemblies to be Called for that purpose in
each Colony once in three years in the month of May.
A President General to be appointed by the
Crown to Receive his Salary from Home. His assent to Render valid
all Acts of the Grand Councill. His Duty to Carry them into
Meetings of the Grand Councill once in every
year And at Such other times As the President General shall think
proper to Call them having first been Applied to or obtained the
Consent in writing of Seven of the Members for that purpose. At any
annual Meeting the Councill to Determine where the next meeting is
to be, to Sit by their own adjournments not Subject to Prorogations
or Dissolutions by the President General without their own Consent.
No Sessions to Continue longer than Six weeks without the Consent
of the Councill.
Members Pay ten shillings Sterling per
During their Siting and Journey twenty miles to
be Reckond a Days Journey.
It is a difficult Matter to fix Quotas to be
paid by each Colony that would be Equal to the ability of Each, or
if Really Equal to Perswade the Colonys to think so or if Equal now
that would long Continue so Some Colonies Growing faster than
Others. Therefore Let the Money arise from somewhat that may be
nearly proportionable to Each Colony and Grow with it, Such as from
Excise upon Liquors Retailed or Stamps on all Legal Writings Writs
&c. or both to be Collected in Each Province and Paid to a
Treasurer to be Appointed in each Colony by the Grand Councill to
be Ready on Orders from the President General and Grand
To hold or order all Indian Treaties, Regulate
all Indian Trade, make Peace and Declare war with the Indian
Nations, Make all Indian Purchases of Lands not Within the Bounds
of Perticuler Colonies, Make new Settlements on Such Purchases by
Granting Lands Reserving a Rent for the General Treasury Raise and
Pay Soldiers and build forts to Defend the frontiers of Any of the
Colonies, Equip Guardships to Scour and Protect the Coasts from
Privateers and Pyrates, Appoint all Military officers that are to
Act Under the General Command, the President General to Nominate
and the Councill to approve. But all Collectors or farmers of the
Duties Excise &c. for the General Treasury and other Civil
officers necessary, are to be Chosen by the Grand Councill And
Approved by the President General.
They shall not Impress men in any Colony
without the Consent of its Legislature.
Acts or Laws made by them to Regulate Indian
Trade or new Settlements of Lands to be Sent home to the King and
Councill for approbation within months. They may Draw on the
General Fund in any Colony for Defraying all General Expences.
Their Accompt to be Yearly Settled and Reported to the Several
Assemblies of Each Colony, Each Colony may Defend it Self on any
Emergency. The Accompts of Expence to be laid before the Grand
Councill and Paid as far as Reasonable.
When the Scheme is well Considered Corrected
and Improved a Temporary Act of Parliament to be Obtained for
Establishing of it.
Perticuler Colonies not to Declare Warr.
Quere Whether the Duties Excise &c. are
best Established by the Grand Councill or by the Act of Parliament
that forms the Constitution.
Quorum of the Councill how many.