I Would informe you that I had Two Setts of Bills Dated Novr 1st. 1780 one For Sixty Dollars payable To George Gartner No. 191 the Oather of the Same Date Payable to Ditto For Eighteen Dollars No. 938 the First and Second of Each Sett Was Taken in the Male and Cared Into New York. I imbrace this Opportunity By Capt. Barre in the Ship Alliance to Desire if Ither of the Above Bills Should be Presented that you will Stop payment the Third and forth of Each Set I have Forward to Messr. Ingraham & Sigourney Marchants in Amsterdam the Which I hope will be Dewly Honnerd. I am gentelmen Your most Obedient Humble Servant
Benja. Jepson