An antient Member of several societies in Europe, for encouraging and promoting useful Arts and Commerce, now residing in this City, and well known to the worthy President of the Philadelphia Society of Arts and Sciences, Dr. B—n Franklin; being desirous, whilst living, to second, within his Sphere, the laudable Aims of such beneficent Institutions, in the free and industrious american States, as he did in Great Britain, in Germany and in Switzerland: humbly begs Leave, to submit the following Queries to their mature Consideration and patriotic Determination.
1.º) Similar Societies being now happily established, and multiplying their Benefits, in most civilised Countries: would it be agreable to your own honorable Societies, to recieve, with the Beginning of next Year, from this, or any other place, select regular Informations, in English, concerning the most interesting Objects of their several proposed Improvements and Encouragements, held out by European Societies?
2.º) To recieve such Answers, Solutions, Explanations, Discoveries, Inventions, Machines, Instruments, Draughts, Models and Paterns, as have, on strict Examination, been approved and rewarded, by them?
3.º) To recieve such Books and new Treatises, in their original Language, with Extracts from the same in English, as may be supposed, to deserve particular Notice, by new and useful Instructions?
4.º) To appropriate to these Services two annual Summs. One for answering the necessary Expences, annually, or half-yearly accounted for; increasing, diminishing, or relinquishing this Branch of your Encouragements, agreable to its experienced Benefit and Importance? The other, to be a Compensation for the Time, Labor, and Diligence, employed, for these his sundry Exertions by your corresponding Agent at this Place; left to your Equity, by Your Honors Most devoted, respectful Servant and Sincere Wellwisher: