I am desired by a 50 years dear friend to recommend to you a Mr. Blount and his Lady who intent residing some years in France, they are People of Fortune and Mr. Blount is a man of Science and very ambitious for the Honour of your Acquaintance; He is of a very ancient and Respectable Family in Oxfordshire. Now I know your kind Regard for me, and there fore I beg the Favour of you to give Mr. Blount the Happiness of your acquaintance. I can trust the Character given of him to me by my old 50 years Friend, as if I knew him myself. I give you again Joy of Peace.
Peace is my dear Delight—not Fleury’s more.? It has pleasd God to take away our senses for a time. May He restore them to us, when He sees what He has not seen yet that we may know when we are well. Now all is so far over I shall look for next Spring to have the Happiness of seeing you. Once more I am in earnest when I desire you to recieve Mr. Blount as one who I am assurd will answer the warmest Praises I could give him. You will I hope have opportunity of introducing him if He desires it, to some of your French Friends especially to our dear Du Pont. I am with all that old personal Friendship and Gratitude I have long felt for you Dear Old Friend Your most obliged and affectionate Servant