Doctor Foulke’s best comps. M. Franklin Esqr. thanks him for his civility of enquiring after Mr. Foulkes health—which has been in too bad a state to permit his going out these several days past—but as Mr. Foulke is at present much better—he is only hinderd [from the] pleasure of a trip to Passy by the very bad weather—
Mr. Foulke proposes a little journey of thre or 4 weeks to reestablish his impaired health, but misses himself the hono’r of paying his respect at Passy before he goes—Dr. F. begs to mention of his sense of duty & most sincere respect & esteem for his Excelly Dr. Franklin & T. Franklin will oblige his friend by telling Monr. de la Motte how frequently he thinks of him & how much he longs for a half hours chat with him a L’Hotel de Louis seize (by the bye). In case T. Franklin should on some of his visits to Paris take that hotel in [the] way, it wou’d add a singular pleasure to those many favo’rs for which I have the honor to be most sincerely Yours