Having come to a resolution to quit Europe early this Spring for America as my private affairs make it absolutely necessary— I shall therefore beg leave to trouble you with a few lines to ask the favour of your opinion which will be my best and most secure way to convey my Family across the Atlantic—. You are a Gentleman who’s opinion I would sooner follow than any one I know—and as I have already experienced yr. Friendship I am induced to ask of you the above request—.
Through the blunders of those who have the management of my Estate I have not been able to receive my remittances for these five years past—which will make a long journey before I take Shipping exceedingly inconvenient on account of the expense which must attend it— This was my sole reason for thinking of going directly from hence to America— I mentioned to you some months ago of this my intention— but I neglected to inform you that a Mr. Kinlaw of Carolina went out from Bristol to New York where he got a Flag of Truce and was well received by his Countrymen— Here is likewise a Gentleman who left Maryland last May he got a permit from that State to come by the way of New York to this Country to finish his studies in the Law here at the Temple— I mention this supposing that if these Gentlemen could be permitted to come through that Door— I who have a wife and three small Childron might be allowed also, as my finances are not equal to carry me a long journey before I embark—. However I should by no means think of going to New York if I can get a conveyance from France, or Holland, that you think would safely convey me to America—.
You will receive this by a Gentleman (who a friend of your’s and mine informs me) will be soon here again therefore I flatter myself it will not be long before I shall hear from you—.
A person in this Town (a Friend of Mr. Alexander’s) informed me that your Grandson and Nephew was married into His Family— In consequence I wrote to your Grandson to congratulate Him on the event— but I am informed since that the fact is not so—and that only your Nephew is Married—. I should like much to have a few minutes conversation with you before I leave Europe concerning something I have heard which I wish you could know but I cannot with propriety trust it to paper— Perhaps should it so happen that I embark from hence I may see you for a few days between this time and that— What I mean is entirely relative to Yourself—
Mrs. Lloyd unites with me in most affectionate respects and believe me to be, Dear Sir, sincerely yr. obt. humble Servant