As wee think it our Duty to improve every oppertunity that offers of advancing the Interest of our Province and the welfare of its Inhabitants wee could not but with great pleasure promote an undertaking calculated to form their Minds and influence them to good and Virtuous Actions. If this should be the happy Consequence of forming your Society wee shal have great reason to be highly satisfied with the Assistance wee have given you, and in order to it wee must recommend to you that ever having that design in view that you lay aside all personal dislikes and with a benevolence of disposition which is the greatest ornament of Human Nature endeavour to impress such Principles on the Minds of those who may want direction as may tend to make them easy [and] happy. Wee are well pleas’d by your Address to find these your Sentiments. While you make this your endeavour you may be assured of our ready and Chearfull Assistance.