Yor favor of the 26th ulto. came to hand in due time, and I should have answered it sooner but have been much indisposed. I am only just getting about again. I observe what you say about giving an assignment of Jacob A. Killen’s Bond for the principal; in answer thereto I will venture to say, that if the Bond was upon the old Gentleman it would not be difficult to put it off upon those terms; nor indeed as it is, provided the assignment be made at your risque.
I am sorry that the funds of our Acadamy are totally inadequate to the speculation or purchase. I think it probable Mr. Killen will give his own Bond in lieu of the one you have. If you write me again please to inform me the amount of the Bond &c. I expect to see Mr. Killen in a short time; when he would, no doubt, renew the Bond. I have the honor to be, Sir, with the greatest respect and esteem Your most Obedient and most Humble Servant