Copy To all persons whom these may concern. We subscribers do Bind our selves, our heirs executors, administrators, and assingees, to pay or cause to be Paid in London, Holland, or else where, Nine months after the Purchase of any goods, the amount of said goods, that (He or they shall please to give Cornelius Haight, Commander of the sloop Catharina With) provided said sum doe not Exceed Twelve thousand Pounds Sterling. An said Cornelius haith receipe for the goods specifying the time when they where Purchased and their amount is produced to us, or to our order: and also provided the person or persons of whom the goods are purchased shall immediately on their arrival in Europe cause Insurance to be made on the amount of said goods, Whic they have sold said Cornelius Haith from the Place baught at to St. Eustatius.
We also By these Presents, do Empower said Cornelius hayth, to be our factor for the Purchase of any quantity of goods, not to Exceed the above sum of Twelve Thousand Punds Sterling, for the Payment of wich, we do Bind our selves jointly, and severaly as witness our hands and seals. Dated in New york, october 26th 1774.