On the 7th. of Octr. I set out on a Journey into Connecticut from whence I returned 3d Inst. Novr. While on my Journey I received the first Intimation that Mr. Johnston Distributor of stamps for the Colony of Rh[ode] Isl[an]d had in a Letter to the Lords of the Treasury suggested his Suspicions that I was concerned in the Violences which deforced his Resignation. On which I beg Leave to say that before and during the present Tumults in America I have constantly and freely given my Opinion against all Force and Violence in resisting the Operation of the Stamp Act—and I do declare upon my honor that I never advised, promoted or approved or had any hand directly or indirectly in the Mob in Newport of the 28th of Augt. last, but utterly disapproved of the same —nor had any Concern or hand in the Effigies, exhibited the Day before. I have in my little sphere constantly discountenanced all Mobs and Violences, all Coercion of the Crown Officers, and the Destruction of the Stamp papers. This has been my Conduct during the whole scene of Tumults, amidst all which, tho I have deplored the Fate of my Country, I have invariably adhered to a Resolution I early formed on the first News of the stamp Act of neither exciting or being any way concerned in any forceable Oppositions, which I ever disapproved. An unhappy Disgust conceived by the Episcopal Gentlemen of this Town, against me as a Cong[regational] Minister is the true Reason of this Attack on my Reputation. I take the Liberty, to ask of you, Sir, that you would make use of this Declaration to remove any ill Apprehensions which Mr. Johnstons Suggestions may occasion in the Minds of their Lordships against Dear Sir Your obedient Servant