At Last we have sett sail for America which was a great Relief to me; after being so long in a place destitute of every thing, that could afford any diversion at all—Upon reading your letter, was much pleased, thinking to have had the pleasure of recieving one from my Father, but was much disappointed after reading both yrs. & Mr Mayo’s, not to find any from him; I am well pleased to hear of Saint being once more adored, & make not the smalest Doubt, she will be joly et jolie for time to come—I beg you will give her the inclosed and desire to answer to me in America. Mr Mayo, is a Gentleman I have a very great regard for & beg my dr freind you will shew him the different amusements in Paris—and am sorry I am deprived of that pleasure. We now lay in Company with Comd. Jones at the Island of Grois waiting a fair wind—We have no news here at all—I wish sincerely it was in my power to make you another visit, for believe me it would afford me the greatest Satisfaction; Believe me to be Dr Franklin, with the sincerest Friendship— Your most obedt.