In your valuable Magazine for July 1788 I find a Review of Dr. Kippis’s Life of Cook containing the following Remark, viz. “The Protection afforded to this Discoverer by the Court of France redounds highly to Mr. Turgot’s Honour; while the narrow-souled Americans did all they could to obstruct him.” I think the Writer of this Remark will find it difficult to produce a single Instance, well authenticated, of any such Endeavours used by the Americans; But I happen to have it in my Power to produce a strong contrary Instance, which I send you enclosed and doubt not of your doing so much Justice to the Americans as to make this Refutation of the Calumny equally public with the Calumny itself, by inserting it also in your Magazine. It is a true Copy of the circular Letter sent by Dr. Franklin to all the Commanders of the American Cruisers, then in the European Seas; which was so well known and so well taken by the Government in England, that when Cook’s Voyage was printed the Amiralty sent to that Gentleman an elegant Copy of it, with a very polite Letter from Lord Howe, expressing that the Present was made with his Majesty’s Approbation. The Royal-Society also on the same Occasion, presented him with one of the Gold Medals struck by them of that illustrious Navigator, accompanied by a Letter from Sir Joseph Banks, their President, expressing likewise that it was sent with the Approbation of his Majesty. These I have seen; and I wonder much that the Writer, who gives so particular an Account of the Distribution of those gold Medals should be unacquainted with this Circumstance. I am &c.