I had the honour to remit your Excellency per my letter of 17th. instant, three receipts for £309. 8. I paid to Sundry prisonners arrived here from England, & to advise your Excellency of my drafft for £.1257. 8. to the order of Messrs Vandenyver Freres & Cie. to which I beg leave to refer.
Coll. Wm. Richardson having been obliged to go to Bruges, to recover his Effects which had been Seased at Said place, on their arrival from England, has Spent the £.240— I had avanced him to proceed to Paris, which Necessitated that Gentleman to apply to me again for assistance, altho' I had Some reluctance to disburs So much money for the releave of one person, yet considering the distress he would have been left in, with his Son & a Servant, having no body else here he could apply to, I have Supply'd M. Richardson again with