To the Honourable James Hamilton, Esq; Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware;
The humble Address of the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Philadelphia, in Common Council assembled.
May it please Your Honour,
We, the Mayor and Commonalty, beg Leave to congratulate You, in the sincerest Manner, on Your happy return to Your Country, and Accession to the Government; Events that fill the Hearts of the People of all Ranks and Denominations with unfeigned Joy.
We cannot but esteem it a peculiar Happiness to have a Gentleman appointed our Governor, who is so perfectly acquainted with our publick Affairs, and whose real Regard for the Welfare of this Province, and Affection for its Inhabitants, are so well known to us.
From the long Acquaintance we have had with Your amiable private Character, and the Benevolence of Your Disposition; and from our Experience of Your Integrity and Ability in the Discharge of the several publick Offices You have heretofore sustained among us; we assure ourselves that this City and Province will be happy under Your Administration; and that we shall always have the highest reason to be thankful to our Proprietors for an Appointment so favourable to the People.
Signed by Order of the Board,