Yesterday Evening you were kind enough to say that you wou’d enquire into the Character of a Monsr Ponsart, who has lately rendered himself famous by some very extraordinary Cures which he has perform’d at the Hospital of Invalids—for a particular Acct of him, & the Cures perform’d by him, I must refer you to the Mercure de France (No. 46.) Samedi 16 Nov: 1782—however lest you shou’d not readily lay your Hands on it, I will give you an Etract from it—“M. Ponsart, Docteur en Medecine, Medecin-Consultant de leurs Altesses Celsissimes les princes de Liege & de Stavelot & des eaut de Spa &c—M. Ponsart eut occassion de s’entretenir avec M. de Lassonne premier Médecin de S. M. T. C. &c &c—Sur le compte qu’il en rendit au Roi, & ce M. le Marquis de Segur, Ministre & Secrétaire d’Etat au departement de la Guerre. M. Ponsart a été autorisé à traites à l’Hotel-Royal des Invalidés, dans une Salle qui fut assignée à cet effet, différens malades, tous affectés de Rhumatismes gouttent habituels, qui jusqu’alors avoient résisté à tous les remédes. Voici ce qu’attestent M.M. le Medecin & Chirurgien Major de cet Hospital-Royal—Ajourd’hui &c &c—Signé Munier, Sabatier—Le Ministre a cru devoir témoigner sa satifaction à M. Ponsart, en lui faisant expédies une gratification sur le Trésor Royal—
I saw M. Ponsart this day he thinks my Disorder curable in the course of four or five Months, he is so very certain of it that he does not require a Sous untill I am radically cured—fair as this may appear I do not wish to put myself under his Clutches untill I know his Character he says he is well known by the Emperor’s Ambassador, I must beg the favor of you to take the first opportunity of informing yourself with respect to the medical Abilities of this Gentleman—or if you please Genius for he really appears to be one—I am with much esteem Dr. sir Yr. Very Hb. Srt