From Margaret Stevenson: Bill
MS: American Philosophical Society

Doctr Benjamin Franklin to Margt Stevenson Dr for Sundries Purchased for and sent to Mrs. Jane Mecom of Boston

Octor 18 To Viny & Braggs Bill
for Sundrys 1 £ 6 6
22 To ditto's do. do. 2 6 16
To E Millers do. do. 3 2 11
To J. Thompson do.
for Bays 4 18
25 To Eliza Redmans do.
Millenery 5 1 11 9 18 2 9
Febry 27 To Sundries of Sage &
Turner per Rect 6 5 3 6
Augt To Sundrys purchased of
several persons as per
Bills added and In-
closed in Bill No. 7 Vizt
Sage & Turners
Bill £ 2 0 6
Smiths do. 10
Courts do. 10 6
Teasdales do. 11 15
 a Block 2 6
Boxes paper porterage
Shiping &c
&c 8 10
15 7 4
Cash sent per Mrs.
Mecom and Recvd per
Mrs. Stevenson July
28. 1767 6 13 8 14 4
20 To Sundry, of Sage &
Turner per Bill 8 8 4 16 18 4
Febry 22 To Sundries of ditto per
Bill No. 9 £ 14 7 6
Silver recvd from Mrs.
per Mrs. Stevenson 13 18 1 ½ 9 4 ½
Marh 3 To a Nest of Band Boxes 10 9
Novr. 17 To Cash pd Viny &
Bragg for 5 yds. of
Muslin £ 4 4
Sundries £– 9 5
do. 3 17
do. 3 1
Wool and
Box 1 5 ½ 7 8 10 ½
11 12 10 ½
Recvd from Mrs. Mecom
per M. Stevenson 10 16 16 10 ½
£41 19 10
Endorsed: Mrs Stevensons Accot of Sundries for Mrs Mecom Settled in Genl Accot Febry 28 1771—with all the Bills that relate thereto
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