We the Subscribers hereto, Directors of the Library Company of
Philadelphia, do hereby agree and promise each one of us with and
to the rest that we will endeavour at all Times hereafter to duly
attend at the Monthly Meetings of the said Directors and at such
intervening Meetings as shall at such Monthly Meetings be by the
Directors present agreed on. And that if it happens We are absent
from any of the said Monthly Meetings We will as soon after as we
conveniently can repair to the Library in order to know of the
Librarian if any intervening Meetings have been agreed on By which
we will govern our Selves. And upon every Failure of attending at
any of the aforemention’d Meetings We will at our next Appearance
in a Meeting of the said Directors either Monthly or by Adjournment
forfeit and pay for Each of us One pint of Wine. Witness our Hands
hereto the 28th Day of May 1733.
B. Franklin |
Thos. Hopkinson |