We have made it a matter of Enquiry of the necessity of the State keeping up Troops to secure the Allegiance of the Insurgents of this County, and have Consulted a number of those We Esteem friends to Government—am informed from Good authority that it is the Determination of the leaders of the Insurgents to get on as many half Sharemen (so called) as possibly they can in the spring and possess themselves of all the lands Capable of Cultivation that is not now occupy’d, and set up their Claim and support it in their way.
Now whether it woud not be policy to send a Company Immediately to Tioga, Inlisted for one year, unless sooner Discharged, and let the reasons be published why they are sent, which will prevent in a Great measure people being prevailed on to commence half sharemen by mischievous Designing persons to Engage in that undertaking, and turn the Drift of them another way. Should the Troops (under smart, active Officers,) continue there until about the first of June next, while people Generally Get settled for a season’s work, it is highly probable they may be Discharged.
It is but of little consequence to continue the troops here, as it does not secure the allegiance of the Insurgents at Tioga, (where they chiefly are and Going) but the Troops being there secures the whole. We should have advised to the measure of removing the Troops which are now here to Tioga, but the time of their Inlistment was so short we apprehended it woud have been attended with a bad consequence unless we were sure of a relief arriving Immediately upon the Expiration of their Inlistment.
This County from the Nescopeck to the north line of the State is about 120 miles, and only six magistrates within it, we should suppose an additional number woud be Necessary, and could Messrs. Buck & Hurlbutt be Commissioned on their former appointment it might answer a Good purpose, as there is some complaints among the militia officers who have not received their Commissions, that the Councill have received some unfavourable Information against them. Woud it not be adviseable to Order a board of Enquiry, that the aggreaved party may Exonerate themselves by Testimony, and by that means the Councill may be Informed of facts, and capable of Doing Justice to the parties. We are, Sir, your most Obedient, Humble Servants,