It is with great sincerity I congratulate the New world on their glorious Emancipation; and my Venerable friend in particular, whom the divine providence hath sustained under incessant Toil and anxiety, and hath Crowned his Integrity and ability, in Confederacy with the glorious Sons of liberty on the Continent of America with unexampled Success.
May the Sons to be born to the Infant States of America, always know what it is to be free, and ever deserve to be So.
I thank you Sir for the kind enquiry you have at any time made after me; To be held in Esteem of good men is a Cordial to the heart; I readily own I thirst for it. I have experienced sufficiently the vicissitude of human affairs, to teach me the wisdom and necessity, of building for happiness on the base of Virtue.
May the divine Influence aid me to sustain my Integrity and whatever be the Tryals wisely and benevolently appointed me or mine, may we be able to rejoice in the blessings that others may divide.
May those nearest Your heart, thro’ the Ages of time, transmit in Succession the fairest Copies of their Great Ancestor.
I shall request the favor of Mr. Franklin, by my Brother Viny, to Convey this letter to You. I recollect the Youth pleas’d me, and from the Account I have received, I esteem the man. I have before express’d my personal regard in my general and Ardent Wish of honor and felicity to your descendants.
I am much concerned to know that You have to Endure so painful a Complaint as the Stone, but rejoice to hear that You enjoy notwithstanding so good health and spirits. I rejoice to have this means of Expressing the most affectionate Veneration of Dr. Benjn. Franklin; who I please myself will accept the Tender from His unfained humble servant