I have received your Favour of the 6th May, and return you my best Thanks for the Assurances you give me of your kind Attention to my Recommendation of Mr. Peterkin to your Notice. As Mr. Gorden who so earnestly solicited my Father’s Application to you in Mr. Peterkin’s Behalf, is since dead, I have no Opportunity of knowing whether he pursued his Intention of visiting your Continent.
I am much gratified by the kind Inquiries you make respecting every remaining Branch of my Family, and by your affectionate Remembrances of those whom we have lost. My Nephew Johnston is at the Age of one and twenty a Captain in the 42d. His Sister still unmarried. Both in good Health; and a Credit to us all. My Father left to each of them £5000. My Brother George is in his usual good Health; and has lately succeeded to a Living in Essex, the Ad of which my Father had bequeathed to him. As the Bulk of my Father and Mother’s Estate was left by them equally to my Brother, my Sister, and myself I have under taken to carry on the Business of Kings Printer for our mutual Benefit. The private Business comes wholly to myself.
At length I have procured a first Volume of Cook’s last Voyage to supply that which was lost; and (together with a Copy of his second Voyage) have sent it to your Son who has undertaken to convey it to you by some Gentleman of his Acquaintance. He also offered to pay me for them; but this I declined, in hopes that you will do me the Favour to accept them.
I have looked very diligently over my Father’s Papers, and find only one Letter of yours in typographical Terms, a Copy of which I inclose. I do not recollect there was more than one; but if I should ever find the other, you may depend upon my transmitting it to you.
Of Public Affairs the Newspapers now are so fully communicative that I can add nothing to them. I have only to express my sincere Wishes for your Health, and remain with much Esteem Dear Sir Your obliged and faithful Servant