I last fall Sent you to the Care of Mr. Bache at New York a Small Bag of Sweet Corn, hope it Came Safe to hand, with this I Send you another which hope you will have as much Pleasure in eating as I have in Sending.
I left a few lines with your good Sister when in Boston to forward to you of how do you do &c. we had each of us a feast talking of you. But when you give no incoragement of Comeing to New England how glad it would make many many hearts to See you. How is your health. We hear from you by many People that you are Chearfull and Pleasant as may, but I long to hear from your own hand that you are Comfortable but when I reflect the many Corespondents you have the multiplicity of Business I dare not Please my Self with the hope. We are all well and love you youl be Pleasd to hear Ray is Very Smart in the farming way he has had from ten to Sixteen hands a day for a month Past Putinging up monstrous Stone wall but to day tis so Cold they have broke up. He is out as is spoues or would Join me and Daughter in the tenderest Regard to Self and family our Sonin law Ward has the Consinment of a Ship to the Wast indees Sails in a few days.
Hear you have lovely Grand Children and take Great Pleasure in them. So have we they Seam as near as our own. May they Continue lovely through life is the wish of your most affectionate and obligd friend