I have the pleasure to Adress, you, as one of the Best frainde, to the amarican Cause, an I should first, Beg Leave to inform you: that I have Been upwards, of 20 years, an officer in the Regulars, and Militia, of England, and quited the kindom; about sixteen months, Since, on, Disaproveing the measures, of their proceedings: in your present Contests, I have frequently Aplied to Resign my Commissions, at present without Effects: and was I to Return to England, should be compeled, to act, in a service, which no Consideration Could induce me to Do: and if thro your good Offices: I could, be permitted to Remain in any part of france, as it Best Suited, my Convenaince, I should be, particualary, Oblidged, my family Consist of a Lady my Cousan, her son: now under the Education, of Mr. Mailott; who is Chaplain to the garrison, of St. Nicolas: and was placed their By Permission, of the govt. of this place; an infant Born, here: and my self: the period I may want to Stay; may not be Longer; than I Could setle, my affairs: and to Embark for america, where: I hope with the interest of £ 7 or 8000 I could Live Hapy, and in Good Essteem: if Dureing that period or for any Time, I Could act, as Consul: for america: at Nants, or Bourdoux: you may freely Command me; without: any Vein of Reward Whatever: in that Case it would be Necessary it should Remain a Secret, untill I Drawed the Remainder of my property, from England: tho I Could in that period Repair to the Place: and act agreable to that station: Dureing my Last 12 years Service, in the Militia; I Was Largeley Concernd, in Commerce: and am Well aquainted with the Customs and Rules of Consulships here, and at Nice: and am perswaded I Could Give in that Station a Reasonable satisfaction: I hope it will be understood that interested Veiws; is the most foreign: to me in this matter: and may you find Thousands: of the Same Disposition, and as Well attacht: Better Capacitys, may Easey found: But None, Who is Better inclind, or Would with more: attention and fidelity: contribute his Mite: to the Strugles you are Engaged in; then the one who has the Honor to Subscribe himself Gentlemen your most obedient and Very Humble Servant