From Robert Aitken (unpublished)
Philada. 7 Decr. 1787

I am very unwilling to trouble you, but, Necessity compells me to beg you would do me the kindness, to inform the Members of the Philosophical Society that, I have a Note of £40 to pay to the Bank in 8 days which I really granted in the Strength of money promised from the Society. I wish likewise to inform in the most pressing terms, that I have exerted myself to the best of my Ability with Mr. Glass your paper Maker to whom the Society Stand indebted for £40,000, I believe, he tells me I have taken him in, by bringing him Such customers and the often disappointments of money from the Society, has led him to discredit what I Say, I am therefore of Opinion he will be impertinent and sue for his money. I therefore beg, even in the hurry of the Society’s business, the above needfull pieces of business may not be overlooked and oblige sir, Your Most obedient and humble Servant

Robt. Aitken

His Excellcy. Benjn. Franklin Presidt.
Addressed: His Excellency / Dr. Benjamin Franklin / Presidt. of the Amer. Phil. Society / present
Endorsed: Letter from Mr. Aitken c. R. Aitken 1787 Wants Money
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