I am very unwilling to trouble you, but, Necessity compells me to beg you would do me the kindness, to inform the Members of the Philosophical Society that, I have a Note of £40 to pay to the Bank in 8 days which I really granted in the Strength of money promised from the Society. I wish likewise to inform in the most pressing terms, that I have exerted myself to the best of my Ability with Mr. Glass your paper Maker to whom the Society Stand indebted for £40,000, I believe, he tells me I have taken him in, by bringing him Such customers and the often disappointments of money from the Society, has led him to discredit what I Say, I am therefore of Opinion he will be impertinent and sue for his money. I therefore beg, even in the hurry of the Society’s business, the above needfull pieces of business may not be overlooked and oblige sir, Your Most obedient and humble Servant