Since writing you about the prisoners on Parole and others who wanted their Parole, I am informed by the Officer of the Garrison here that if I will add these Prisonners to those now in Rochelle a Cartel may be immediately procured to send them off together specifying the Distinctions of the Flags under which they were taken and carried account to each Nation accordingly. As this will save much Expence and Time and relieve a number of poor Fellows the keeping of whom is of no use, I beg you will give me authority to conform, and I will take Care to have the proper Returns made of Rank Quality etc. The paroles I asked your permission for I will take as proper but the common men will go in and with the Board of sick & hurt as is usual.
As I shall be obliged very soon to be in L’Orient, so request as early an Answer as possible, more especialy as there are Ladies in the Question and I know you are as little inclined as myself to make them Suffer the Delays and Hardships incident to War.
I am with the highest Respect Your dutifull and affectionate