It is a long time since I have had the Pleasure of a Line from you, and I have not written to you, being from the beginning of Summer in continual Expectation of seeing you here. I continue in tolerable Health, my old Malady excepted, and I hope you and yours are well. I have just been writing to Dr. Ingenhauss, and have acquainted him with what your Brother told me, viz. that he had put the Loan-Office Receipts, &c into your Hands. I wish you would acquaint the Dr. with the State of his Affair. I have some Hopes of being able to visit my Friends in Boston next Spring, but perhaps they are vain Hopes. My Love to your good Father and Mother &c. Temple, who is turn’d Farmer, but happens just now to be here, joins in best Wishes for your Prosperity with Your affectionate Uncle