I Long since designd my self the Pleasure of writing to you, but Certain Circumstances prevented it. You will no dout be suprize to have a Line from one you dont know but I hope you will have the Goodness to Excuse the Liberty I have taken when I tell you that I once had the happyness to Caul you my dear Uncel Franklin and I hope you will still promit me to caul you by that Name. I was Married to your Nephew John Mecom. I was a Long time at your House at Philadelphia with Mrs. Franklin and my dear Mrs. Beache. They ware very kind to me and I spent maney weeks at Burlinton with Governor Franklin and his Lady hose favours I shall never forgit after the Death of Mr. Mecom. I then Married Mr. Turner an Officer in the 49 Regement of Foot before this Unhappy war. He was wounded at Lexenton and at Bunkers hill which he never recoverd and departed this Life in June Last. He was one of the Best of Husbands and has Left me a poor Lonly Widow. I was very happy but the Case is much Alterd with me know as I have not a relation in this Country tho I have maney Friends ho has been very sivel to me I should be very happy to return to America and spend the remander of my Life there, for I have the riveted? Affections of Nature to Struggel with, and would rather Live in my Native Land Amongst my relations but I Cant receve the Widows Penshon here, [there?,] and it is very Littel to Live on in this d? Country, if I Could Git a Friend that had aney Intrest with the Secretary at War, to put me upon the Compassion List and endeavour to Obtain the provision made by that fund for Officers Widows, I should do very well and be very happy. I saw in the papers that you was Prepareing to return to America ware I am sure you will make thousand happy. God send you a safe Voige, and that you may spend the Eveing of your Life, in Peace and tranquillity and have every Blessing this World Affords and that of Angels in the next is the Prayers of your ever sencer and Affectionate Nice [Niec?] and most Obedient Humble Searvant