I shoud long since have done myself the pleasure of dropping you a line but heard Really nothing to give you, as to myself I am still unanswered by my Noble Lord with the Red Ribbon—and I am determined at lenght to get home shortly, in some of those Vessels, lately arrived. We have three here from Maryland more are Expected, three at LOrient, and two at Brest, our American flag seems to chear us a little, and the Change of this great Commercial City seems Rather more Civil and attentive since these Arrivals and that of Mr. Tourney on our Side the water and from Every Account our people seem more determined Since the Charles town affair—When at Paris I took the liberty to pray you to Receive and pay the workmanship of a Portrait Picture at 48 Livres the Sum agreed for the Sitting I think I gave you the address of the Workman if you have it not the Servant James that was with me at Paris and now with Mr Jeremiah Allen knew the Workman I shall Esteem it a very singular favor if you have not already got it, to have it got and sent me by Cap Sampson for which I shall pay what Ever the Expence may be to Mr. Williams on your Order, and youl ad an Obligation to the Many Already Confer’d— Dr sir Your Most Ob Servt