I received a short Letter from you dated the 25th of May, and since another of June 11. The Copies you mention to have sent me by a Court Messenger of your Book in German, are not come to hand; but the 4 Copies in French of Observations on the Eudiometre are received; and M. le Begue has delivered me two Copies of the Work just published here, for which I thank you much. I enclose the Pieces you desire of me. My Grandson, whom you so kindly enquire after, goes with me; but may possibly return to Europe, tho’ that is uncertain. I will, you may depend on it, do whatever is possible for me, to recover your Money of Wharton. I am heartily sorry you ever had any thing to do with him, or with Merchandise. I depart next Week for Philadelphia, and being much hurried can only write these few Lines to take leave of you. I have not received your Melanges de Physique et de Medecine sent thro’ Count Merci. When you send me any thing for the future, do it thro’ Mr. Grand my Banker here. I have none of the green Soap left. Mr. Valtravers, to whom you communicated my having requested your Company to America, has offered himself in your stead. I thank him for his kind Intention, but cannot accept his Offer. He would talk me to death. Adieu, my very dear Friend. My best Wishes of Health, long Life and Happiness will ever attend you. Once more Adieu.