To Samuel Potts and Family: Passport (unpublished)

To all Captains and Commanders of Vessels of War, Privateers and Letters of Marque belonging to the United States of America

Passy near Paris 14 sep. 1780.

The Bearer of this Mr. Potts, being on his Return to England with his Lady, and his Relations Mr. Hindley and Mr. J. Potts; all Welswishers to America and my particular Friends: if the Packet Boat or Vessel in which they and their three Servants take their Passage from Flanders, should happen to fall into your Hands, this is to request that besides your accustomed Humanity to Prisoners, you would treat them with particular Civility and Tenderness, and give them as soon as Possible their Liberty. In so doing there is no doubt but that your Conduct will be approved by your Employers and you will very much oblige, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and most humble Servant

Minister Plenipotentiary from the United
States at the Court of France.
Endorsed: Passport to Mr Potts 14 sep. 80
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