I hope you will Excuse my freedom in trubling you, with a few Lines, to Enquire After your Health, and Mrs. Wight her father Mr: Salt, Mrs: Salt Joyn with Love, and Respects and hope to hear of you being in Good health, and famely as wel Are at this time thanks be to God for it, Mr: Salt is Verrey ofton hill. Should be Greatly Obledged to you, if you Could Gett Information wether Jno: Tyler who You Gave Directions When at Birmingham to Goe to Philadelphia, be living or Dead And if Dead, if you Could gett a Sertificate of is Death, Will Much Obledge yours as Mrs. Glover Died 22d July Last, and there is Somthing Coming to him if Living, and Mr. Glover Died 20 Augt:, Should be Glad of a Line, with an Account of What Expence, You my in Cur in this Buisness, Shall be Remitted which will much Obledge Your most Humble Servent