To Gian Francesco Cigna (unpublished)
Passy, July 5. 1785

I received in its time the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me near two Years since, which ought to have been immediately answered. But I find, that I am, from the Infirmities of Age, render’d unfit for Business, which I hope will in some degree excuse my delay; and having obtain’d my Congé I am now on the Point of Retiring to my Country and Family. I cannot however leave Europe, without acknowledging the high Sense I have of the Honour done me by your Academy of Sciences in naming me, with the Permission of your august Sovereign, to be one of their Foreign Members; of which you inform me in Terms so very obliging. I wish I had anything of my own to send them, analogous to their laudable Pursuits, that might be worthy their Notice. But Our Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, having as I hear, a second Volume of their Transactions in the Press, I shall, as soon as it is printed, take leave to send them a Copy, which I hope they will accept. With great Esteem, I have the Honour to be, Sir,

M. Cigna
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