I Realy think my self highly favoured in Reciveing a Leter from you wonce a month as I have for three Past, it is Indeed a short spase of time to what I used to suffer in Anxiety, your last in Perticular. Seems to Express more Positively the good State of your Health which maks me hope there is truth in what is taken from a Philadelphia Paper concerning the Efficacy of Black-berry Jelly, and that my Dear Brother is the Subject there mentioned O if it Is; how shall I Enough Bless and Prais that mercifull compassionate Being who has Directed to such a medicine for your Relief.
I did not Design Mr. Vaughn should have gone without a Leter to you but my Notice of his going was too short, I however sent as soon after as I could and I hope you have recd. it, with some to my Grand Son whos being there I am happy to hear is Agreable to you and the Famely.
The Book I recd. and sent it to cousen Jonathan who tells me he has another and will Return it to me for my son Collas, to whom it may be of Grate service, I Read it my self before I sent it and found a grat deal of Pleasure in it as I do in all you write as far as my capasety Enables me to understand it, and forther too for I keep your books of Philosophy, and Politics, by me (tho I have Read them throw several times) and when I am dull I take won up and Read and it seems as tho I were Conversing with you, or hearing you to some won who can understand and I find a Pleasure in that.
Our North Church folks are Repareing there Steeple, and it was thought the Electricil wiers was too small to conduct a Large Stroak of Lightning, I felt uneasey about it and got mr. Collas to Inquire about it and he tells me they have made it three times as big as it was before.
I will accept your thanks for the soap and thank you for recveing so kindly, it has not altogather Pleasd me yet, that Art I all ways meant to Instruct Josiah Flagg in when he shuld be in a Sittuation to Observe it, I have keept a Recipe by me for that Porpose, and now He is with you you will in some discorce with him some time if you think on it Inform him somthing about the Nature of the working of such Ingredents togather which may help him more Easely to comprehend the Instructions he may after Recive, and it may be of some service to him some time or other.
I am in tolarable Health but my Daughter is sick allmost all the hott wether Looses her Apitite and is Exeding weak shee seems however now to be groing a litle beter. She Desiers her Duty. My Respectful complements to all to whome it may be Agreable and love to the children from your Affectionat Sister.