The Petition of William Hall of the City of Philadelphia Printer Creditor of Benjamin January of the said City Bookbinder and Stationer Respectfully Sheweth
That whereas Benjamin January using and exercising the Trade and business of a Bookbinder and Stationer by way of Bargaining Exchange Rechange and Bartry, and seeking his Trade of Living by Buying and Selling, for just and good causes being indebted unto your Petitioner in the Sum of Two hundred Pounds and upwards, did on or about the Seventeenth day of November instant become Bankrupt within the meaning of the Acts of Assembly of this CommonWealth lately made and provided entitled “An Act of rhe Regulation of Bankruptcy” and “An Act to amend an Act for the Regulation of Bankruptcy” to the intent to defraud and hinder your said Petitioner and others his Creditors of their just debts and duties to them due and owing, In tender consideration whereof may it please your Excellency to grant unto your Petitioner a Commission under the Great Seal of the Common Wealth, to be directed to such and so many well disposed and discreet Persons as to your Excellency may seem meet, Authorizing them thereby not only concering the said Bankrupt, his Body lands Tenements Freehold and Customary Goods Debts and other things whatsoever, but also concerning all other Persons who by concealment claim or otherwise do or shall offend touching the Premises or any part thereof contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Acts of Assembly, and to do and execute all and singular the thing and things whatsoever as well for an towards satisfaction and payment of the said Creditors, as towards and for all other intents and purposes according to the Ordinance and Provission of said Acts, and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c.