From Johann Reinhold Forster
ALS: American Philosophical Society
No. 2. Sommerset house Stable Yard [late 1771?]

Having lately translated Prof: Kalm’s travels through North America, Bossu’s travels through Louisiana, and published a Catalogue of North-American Animals, with another of American plants, and a Centuria of new Insects, not described by Dr. Linnaeus, many of which are Americans; and flattering myself that these publications contain materials not altogether unworthy of the Attention of the learned and curious in America: I take the liberty by Your means, to present the Society for promoting useful knowledge established at Philadelphia in Pensilvania with a Set of the abovementioned works; hoping the Society will be pleased to consider them as a small token of the esteem and due regard with which I am Sir Your most obedient humble Servant

John Reinhold Forster.

Addressed: To Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / President of the Philosophical / Society for promoting useful / knowledge established in / Pennsylvania / in Craven-Street / Strand
Endorsed: John Reinhold Forster Donations Transn. Kalms Travels N A Do Bossu’s—Do Louisiana American Plants Centuria of Insects no
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