I have wrot to His Excellency your Grandfather, in Concern of a Vessel belonging to Several Gentlemen at this place which Vessel was Captur’d by Comodore Jones in the month of January late, and both Vessel and Cargo (:of wel Dutch properties:) is Said to have been Sent for Boston or Philadelphia, refering You to the Letter for his Excellency for Particulars. And whereas I am in Certain, if His Excellency your Grandfather Continues still as—abassador at the France Court, or is released from this troublesome Charge by some other Gentleman I do most humbly petition your friendship to be pleased, to forward me Letter for the ambassador acting, with a necessary detail of your knowing the Writer, and in how much his report do merit reflection: I can’t tell how much Concern this Capture has given me and other American Zeal friends, because in the first place this (may be) is the first Vessel and property belonging to the Dutch which has been Captured by American Power, and in the 2do. place the Honorable Owner one of the first Rank in this State and government and no body doubts their veracity in no Cause whatever 3rd: when I arived here a perfect Stranger, I have been Honord, in a Singulair, manner, by those gentlemen, only and in Consideration of me having Servd in America: which together has occasion’d me writing to His Excellency the Ambassador, in hopes that Some reflection may take place, on me reports, and where about as having the Honor to be Known by you, you will be pleased to act accordingly.—
Since me arrival in the unitted provinces I have got the better of me illness, being in perfect Health, and in want for nothing it was otherwise in France lately, which is verry well Known to you, particular out one of me Letters from Vitri near Parys; but it is past, and by no means reflecting upon those misfortunes into which me attachment to Virginia have drawn me, I do and shall continue to remain a most faithfull friend and servant to America, in the most sanguine hope that now I again have entred for a 2do. Time in the Dutch service, never shall be compelled to the Contrarÿ: be pleased Dear sir to acquaint all those Gentlemen that might enquire for me that such is me situation and such me sentiments. Thrugh some Neglect or mistake I was left finally into Change, and Continually was running meself in debt without anny relief from Virginia, I have thought it high Time to take some better care of meself before it should be to late; having at the same Time never could Obtain any intelligence either from Virginia, nor from their Agent Mr. Ths Smith.—In a Time of a Couple of Months, hence I am intentiond to undertake a Voyage [to] the Dutch India Orientalis; Adinterim be pleased to honor me with your ordres, When I possibely should could be of any service here, as Dear sir! your most ready obedt huble Servt